Friday, May 25, 2012

Richelle Mead's "Vampire Academy"

Before you roll your eyes at this and ignore it, because, hey - I'll be the first to admit it - the name is horrible, hear me out. I think that Twilight kind of soured everyone to the whole vampire genre (not so much Twilight as a story, but the weird fanaticism in its fans that make it awkward to enjoy, and embarassing to admit that you actually liked it *I know I'm not the only one. Just admit it. It wasn't a horrible story.* 

Anyway, Vampire Academy is NOT Twilight. It doesn't seek to be, and while it may vaguely share a few similar elements, it's quite unique as far as vampire stories goes. Not just unique, but downright good - and entertaining.

The main character, Rose Hathaway is a strong, sexy and confident dhampir, a 1/2 vampire 1/2 human hybrid, a race that's bred (in these novels anyway) to serve as bodyguards for the weaker, peace-loving living vampires - the Moroi. I say "living" because the villains in this series are the non-living vampires, the Strigoi, who prey not only on humans, but on the moroi.

Unlike most vampire stories, humans rarely enter into these stories. Instead, the books take place primarily at a private academy for young members of the moroi society (hence the name), and focus primarily on a group of young moroi royals and their dhampir body guards - more specifically on Rose and her charge and life-long best friend, Vasilissa Dragomir, who is the last of her royal bloodline, and who is hunted relentlessly by strigoi and moroi power-seekers alike. Needless to say, Rose does a lot of ass-kicking.

Of course, being a young adult novel, and a vampire story to boot, there has to be a love story or two, especially for a foxy heroine like Rose. But, Rose is no damsel in distress and the objects of her affections are strong, capable and intelligent guys, never afraid to take her on and knock her down a notch.

As a matter of fact, in a fight between Vampire Academy's dhampir hero, Dimitri Belekov and Twilight's Edward Cullen, my money would be on Dimitri.

The series takes you through 6 books: Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow Kiss, Blood Promise, Spirit Bound and Last Sacrifice. Each book on it's own is an action-packed page-turner (with the possible exception of the third, which I felt was more about character and plot development) and numerous plot twists. I basically flew through all six books.

If you like vampire stories, even in secret, then these are worth a read. They're not all blood, gore and romance, like Vampire Diaries or Anne Rice novels, but more butt-kicking action with compelling love stories (think Buffy or Underworld).

Kim Gray is a mom, blogger, nutrition fanatic and founder of the Voracious Readers Society and If you would like to join the society and submit your own book reviews, you can contact her at or on twitter @artex1024.

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