Monday, September 17, 2012

Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

How to Win Friends and Influence People on Amazon

For a motivational book, withstanding the test of time is a rare quality, one that only a handful have managed. "How to Win Friends and Influence People" sits atop that throne with its prestigious fellow comrades, classics like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People."

The thing I loved most about this book, and let me emphasize the fact that I LOVED this book, is that, were it not for the fact that it references such people as John D. Rockefeller and Woodrow Wilson, I never would have guessed that it was originally released in 1936! Every principle taught within it is just as relevant now as it was back then. I suppose that's because human nature never changes, something Dale Carnegie certainly understood.

There are no points in the book that will surprise you. However, almost every point made is something that we have a tendency to forget. Dale talks about the power of a smile, he preaches about the importance of never criticizing others, treating others as you would like to be treated, and acknowledging and empathizing with your opponant's feelings. 

My favorite tip from the book was about calling people by their names and taking pains to never misspell them. He says that "whether they know it or not, everyone's favorite word is their own name." and that using that name is the simplest compliment you can give someone. It brought to mind the hot guy at the deli counter of my local Walmart. I know his name, but there's no reason for me to know it other than the fact that I was talking about him behind his back, and my cousin happens to know him, so he clued me in. I live in constant fear of accidently calling him by his name and having to explain why I know it, thus exposing what a creeper I am. Then I think about my grocery store job I had in high school, when the incredibly attractive owner of our town's Quiznos called me by my name when I carried out his groceries. I gloated to everyone for days until someone pointed out that I wore a nametag. To this day, I still haven't forgotten how special I felt when he knew my name though. See? Just as relevant today as in the 30's. :)

Perhaps the most useful section of the book is the section on influencing people. If you have a sales job, or ever have to convince someone of something that they ordinarily wouldn't agree to, the information and strategies in this section are indispensible. I wish I had read this back when I was in sales and sales management. It would have been interesting to test the effects of his ideas. 

Regardless of what you do, who you are or what station in life you find yourself, I highly recommend this book to everyone. It should be a high school reading lists requirement, with a refresher every five years. I really can't recommend it enough. In my opinion, it is to social interaction what "The 4-Hour Work Week" is to business and lifestyle design, a necessity for success.

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